Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am a failed blogger.

Holy - not a post since april batman!

Ah well. Been rather busy.

Got a job, lamess at a liquor store, but hey whatevs it was a job.

Is a job rather.

Then, this lady I know who owns and runs not one, but TWO businesses, messages me on facebook wanting to also hire me. As her assistant, her general assistant who is so many types of assistant (production, administrative, etc etc) that cutting out the fancy extra prefix is simply easier.

A job that I get to use my brain with? Obviously I accepted. So now I'm insanely doing the two-job shuffle. Luckily they are both part time, and the assistant gig is still flexible on my terms. Till spring anyway, and the I'll probably quit the liquor store.

BabyBug is spending extra time with the Gramasitter and sometimes lately the Bijisitter and she is digging getting to see her Grandparents extra. Especially now that I've been working a few months. Because hooo-boy it was a bit of an adjustement for wee Babybug not having her Mama around 24/7.

But it's good, and internets... We have this wonderful thing called 'extra money' and I have been able to buy a few shirts, get our accounts out of the red, and even buy a few small life-enhancing toys.
*cough*Beatles: Rock Band*cough*

Babybug was a very cute lion for halloween. My man is officially a survivor of H1N1 and somehow didn't pass on that virus to either BabyBug or myself.

We just got home from a middle of the week 'weekend' celebrating my man's birthday and we had a fantastic time. Well he better have, how many wives will take their men to the strippers on their birthday and then encourage him to 'really, go ahead and get that lap dance' and honestly be fine with it? But seriously a great time was had by all, and I even had my boobs signed.