Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sledding. Or Not.

So a few days ago I turned to DaddyBug and said "Hey when BabyBug wakes up.. want to take her sledding?" And he said sureeee why not?

It'll be fun I thought, the big kids are in school, there's fresh snow on the hill, BabyBug will love it. She certainly likes getting tossed around the house. (In the safe and gentle onto the couch kind of way peeps.) Geez.

So I scoured the basement for my proper winter boots, spent 15 minutes stuffing BabyBug into several layers, then snowsuit & babylegs to hold her winter boots on and camera in pocket off we went.

The hill is just down the street, BabyBug was so excited! What fun new thing were we doing outside? With Mom & Dad! Wow! She babbled excitedly in my arms. So we arrive at the very large hill, the fresh powder is broken only by two lone snowboard trails. I set BabyBug onto the sled and slide in behind her. Daddybug gives us a slight push to get going and we started rushing through the air. My stomach takes a lurch as we glide and drift across the snow and we begin to pick up speed, I briefly take a moment to ponder if perhaps this is too fast but my ruminations are short lived because now the fresh powder is our downfall as it begins to fly into our faces. BabyBug is not impressed, BabyBug is scared of this awful cold white stuff that is daring to poof into her face. She makes this annoyed/scared/ warbling cry and as I'm trying to vainly wipe the melting flakes from her face we come to a slow and gentle stop so I scoop her into my arms and after a moment of snuggling all is fine again.

Daddybug walks down to our place on the hill and carries the sled back up for us. I suggest to him, does he want to go down once with her? Because surely she was only distressed from the snow in the face, and now that I've broken the trail as long as they go down it again, no more snow should fly. It sounds reasonable to DaddyBug so I set her on the sled.

"No." She says. She puts her arms up and imperiously commands "Mup!" So I pick her up and she immediately leans out of my arms for her Dad. (It's my fault the nasty snow blasted her you see) She looks down at the sled again "No" Then turns towards the hill starts waving her mittened hand and firmly says "Bye." Flabbergasted that our little 15 month old could so clearly convey her opinion on this we laugh and ask her "You want to go home eh?" She laughs, delighted that we understand, and turning for home says "Dehr". So home we went.

And we may not have gotten any pictures of our little snow bug, and we definitely didn't really do much of the intended purpose, but I'll never forget her turning to that hill and waving bye, then looking at us expectantly, and of the unabashed delight on her face when we turned around and did exactly as she wanted us to do. It was hilarious, it was so sweet. I'll remember that afternoon always. Oh BabyBug, your sweet little hand waving and saying bye to that hill. Precious.

There's always next year ;)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Oh MIL...

Please when reading the title instead of assuming the 'M' stands for Mom, please substitute it for the first word that comes to mind that also starts with Mo but ends rather differently.

I don't want to write a post bitching about her again, but I can't help it and am going to anyway. The other day when she so rudely showed up unannounced , I sat her down and very gently explained that while we loved her to pieces, she really must start doing us the courtesy of calling ahead of time. She sulked and pouted and did the really mature well fine you want me to leave i'll leave thing, until we had gotten our message through (I thought) that we do want her in BabyBug's life, we just want the common courtesy of a damn phone call.

I posted the incident on a certain Dealing With The Inlaws forum, and they pretty much told me that I was too nice about. eh..

Which brings us to this evening. A boo-hooing MIL calls us up to pitch a pissy-fit because we're keeping her granddaughter away from her. So she bitched and moaned to poor DaddyBug and he's getting right pissed at her (I was so proud peeps) stating again and again that it's all in her head, we just want to make plans, at the very least a goddamn fucking phone call. And why yes C.G's family does always call first. Yes, every time.

We don't answer the phone she says, we don't call back she says. We've been telling her for years to leave a message if she wants a call back. She doesn't want to leave a message, she doesn't want to make plans, doesn't have time to. Well Boo-Fucking-Hoo. It is really not that hard to say "Hi C.G, this is MIL. I was thinking of stopping by later today, please call me when you're home". If you're going uptown then call us and say "I'm going up town now and was going to stop by on my way home, is that good for you?".

It isn't torture, we aren't asking much. It's a 15 second voice mail. If we're home we do answer the phone.

So in the end a very cranky DaddyBug got off the phone and informed me that MIL would like to be called tomorrow after after BabyBug's nap. However the way she worded it was; "Tell C.G to call me when BabyBug is up from her nap" and DaddyBug said "I will not tell C.G to call you, but I will ask her to."

So now the thing is... do I call her? I want to stand my ground and force the demanding spoiled MIL to get off her high horse and call me. Or do I compromise and call her and start the ball rolling? I just really feel like she is getting her way by me calling because she told DaddyBug to tell me to do so.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Le Sigh

So today despite what I wanted to do, we went to MIL's for a visit, that as always turned into dinner. It went fine all things considering. She isn't horrible always, she can be quite nice and generous when she's in the mood for it, our main problem is P/A comments and her annoying habit of ordering us around.

However, Daddybug was feeling charitable and made an insanely foolish comment. MIL whisks the kid away down the hallway, coming back with a toy out of SIL's room. MIL comments on how Babybug pointed up at the dozens of teddy's hanging from the ceiling and Daddybug says... "Oh that's where you'll have sleepovers with your Booji (Aunty) someday, that's where you'll sleep when you have sleepovers with Biji(Grandma) ... yeah someday you'll have sleepovers!"

*head bang*

Thus opening the road to future whining along the lines of "but you said she'd sleep here someday" Because she really is the type to take that inane little conversation, catalogue it away and hold it against us forever more.

And while I suppose it's eventually possible that MIL will be granted a miraculous overnight visit, I at the moment cannot fathom how I will achieve the comfort level to grant such a thing. I suppose it'll happen when I'm not worried about her bad mouthing me in my child's presence, (she was busted doing this exact thing about her SIL with her Niece staying over) and when she's of an age where a whole grape and a cashew are no longer dangerous.

MIL, Children with 6 teeth cannot eat nuts, not any nuts at all, ever, unless in spreadable paste like peanut butter. And whole grapes are a squishy choking hazard. DUH.

Bah. And the other worst moment of the evening:

MIL turns to me and says "Bring her over for an afternoon some day, leave her with me so we can see how she does. So she can get used to me, yes an afternoon some time."

*crickets chirping*

She told me to do this, there was not the slightest suggestion of it being an offer or a request. This was an order. Give me the child unsupervised because supervised visits are not good enough.

I left Babybug with her once, at DH's request. I felt horrible about it, didn't want to do it, leaving was hard. I do not have this problem with my parents so I wasn't sure if it was Mommy Instincts or just a personal bias showing through, so I did it. And MIL lasted until BabyBug needed a nap, couldn't get her to settle, and called me to save the day.

That was the first and only time she's had the kid to herself. She keeps destroying chances of a future alone visit by feeding the child inappropriate foods, and by vanishing with the kid every chance she gets. She finds an insanely large amount of reasons to flee the room with my kid in arms. So annoying.

Although obviously the Neice/SIL story stays in my mind all the time, especially since She puts all the blame on SIL sending dear Niece to SPY on her talking with her daughter. She didn't innocently overhear and go ask mommy why aunty was saying mean things.. no no.. the 7 year old was a spy. Sure. That makes perfect sense. Blame the Hannah Montana obsessing 7 year old.

I know, dear peeps, the MIL rants are old, but DH is feeling so good about a 'good' visit with his mother, that I don't want to spoil his evening by going off on him about promising sleepovers, potential death by giant whole grape and demands of babysitting. So, since I'm *trying* to give the guy a break, you guys get the brunt. Sorry.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friday the 13th the Second can bite my Canadian Ass

So thursday was lovely and warm, things were melting and the sun was shining. The weather forecast for the weekend was perfect, highs of 13 lows of 5. Wonderful.

Instead, friday morning I woke up to this:

Which was rather depressing, so I was all, whatevs lets watch some cartoons BabyBug. But the satellite gave me this message:

And the little light on the receiver was red which means that either my dish is covered in a foot of snow, or it just can't receive the signal from the satellite through the shitloads of white stuff floating in the clouds.

But hey, that's okay. Because we still have DVD's.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is how we do it.

So I got a call yesterday from a guy who is organizing the housing arrangements for the new institution guards that will be coming to town, he wanted details on the room we're letting (it's half of a basement damnit! Clearly far superior to a piddly bedroom!) and informed me that they will not be arriving until Mid May. Oh dear. Mid May is rather far away.

Guy on the phone was wondering if we would still have it available then, and I told him I hoped we would have someone here by then, but to keep us on the list and give us a call later on as who knows what will happen.


I am on the job hunt. Out of the crappy jobs available I have decided to try and get on at a sort of Hotel/Apt Building hybrid as a housekeeper. I detest cleaning, it will deny me the one thing I really wanted to get out of getting a job other then money (socialization with real live people), but it pays $15 an hour. And since I don't want to work more then 4 days a week I need a job with a much higher rate then say... waitressing.

I know they're hiring, their add is posted at the local Jobstart place. I tried to give them my resume yesterday but the front desk manager was mysteriously absent, the phone was ringing, I called hello.. and waited.. and dinged the bell.. and waited... repeat. No one around so I left and will try again tomorrow.

Today DaddyBug went to visit his mother after work as she's sick with the flu (again). They're worried about us, keep inquiring how things are going. He let it slip that I'm on the job hunt. No big deal obviously she was going to find out eventually, it isn't as if I'm going to sit at home while the bank takes the Suzuki away.

She offered to babysit if I need her to. Give me a minute. BAHAHAHAHA. Um, no. Hell to the No.

Eventually she'll ask me, and I already know what I'm going to say 'Thankyou for the offer but it's already been taken care of."