Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How the Hell is it Tuesday morning?

Or is that Monday night still?

Anyway, today was my second serious installment of tackling the basement.  It went about as badly as last time. Baby Bug is still really stressed with the Mama flitting around the big scary basement moving things. Sometimes going so far as to dare to vanish out of Baby Bug's sight! And crying ensues. With heart-wrenching crocodile tears for superior effect.  

But despite carrying Baby Bug around with me, setting her down and listening to her bawl like the basement floor is made of lava I managed to accomplish a lot. The main room is now almost completely done. 

Yay. Applause. 

But why does BabyBug get so stressed? This cannot be a normal behavior for a child to have.  She's worse then my cats when I move a piece of furniture in the omg woman you moved something this is catastrophic!!! way. Eeeesh. 

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