Monday, December 22, 2008

Holy Vocabulary Batman!

Baby Bug has suddenly started to astound us with her incredible store of vocabulary. Just in the last three days we have heard many new words, and now she is spouting sentences. 

She has a great appreciation for the written word, even though she does not always manage to sit through a whole book anymore. Baby Bug busted out the cutest toddling over with book in hand move the other day and topped it off by holding it out to me and proclaiming 'read ish' So I course I obliged; how could I not?? The next day she repeated this feat, only saying 'read.. book' while handing me the book. 

Such a devoted lover of books her Mama is, it didn't take her long to figure out that I will immediately stop whatever it is I'm doing to read to her if she brings me a book, so throughout the day I am now approched by my little wobbler holding  a book, sometimes silently and other times saying 'Ree?'  I guess the 'd' is optional at this point. Passe as it were.

Yesterday while playing with Hermes with her fairy wand she snarled (as well as a 1 year old can snarl) 'Bad Kiddy!' I doubt I need to say that we all died laughing to that gem. In that same day she also said for the first time, Aunty and Cookie. Cookie came out more like Ct.. tee But whatever that was a good attempt for a tricky word.

And today to send me up into the air with proud Mama happiness when I walked in the door from stepping outside she left my Dad and trotted towards me, held her pretzel stick up high and said 'I got Num!' 

Dude, my just turned 1 year old just said a three word sentence holy crap. 

Yes yes, num isn't really a word, but its what she/we call food stuff, so to her it is the name of food that isnt a cookie or cookie shaped thing. (we also call rice rusk wafers cookies)

Go Baby Bug! Mama is so so proud of you.


DowlanSmith said...

Poor 2 and half year old Charlie still rarely strings more than 2 words together. One of his favorites it to hand something to me that is not working to his satisfaction and say "fix it!"

He is a big Handy Many fan so I take that as high praise.

(husband of adventurous gretchen)

Amanda said...

Oh! Reading is so incredible, and the magic you'll have in those books. I pick up books and am carried back to rainy afternoons reading, or bedtime cuddles.

Thanks for commenting on my post about our Uncle Dennis. It meant a lot.