Friday, February 13, 2009

Woo VDay Feel the Commercialism Peeps!

So guess what day it is tomorrow? Hope you've bought your required and unromantic yearly gesture of consumerism.  Or.. follow the demands of the DeBeers Commercial and buy DIAMONDS. Remember your wife will only love you with yearly expensive gifts.

I'm just guessing, but somehow I think that VDay gifts this year are going to be a lot more along the lines of say.. dinner.. or a box of chocolates a la Forrest Gump. 

I know that I'm getting a card because D.B mysteriously vanished uptown in the Suzuki while BabyBug and I were showing. Probably shouldn't spend 5 bucks on a card right now.. but eh.. he's just trying to be sweet, he knows I'm a little sad that we can't go to the event at the lounge. 

A Girls entitled to a little pouting though, the event involved a dinner (appy, main course, dessert) and entertainment! 40 minutes of standup comedy, something lame during intermission, and then a 1 hour adult magic show!  The child in me still gets all excited thinking 'oooo illusions!' But the tickets are 40 dollars a plate. So we are staying home tomorrow. 

Having VDay with the family yo. D.B is cooking dinner, which is a very cool and rare event. He's even a great cook to boot. So I feel lucky. I'm thinking of doing something extra nice for him, involving a certain red silk lingerie I own and the fireplace downstairs.. the inner cynic in my head cringes and says "Noooo C.G you foolish woman that's playing right into the goddamn VDay stereotypes!!" But yaknow, sometimes being a little bit cliche once in a while is okay, especially when it's all in good fun.

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