Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

So today I've reached the unripe age of 25. I spent my birthday hanging out with a sick baby by myself. Night before last I put Babybug to bed, and around 3ish she woke up to nurse and seemed to have a low grade temp but she went right back to bed so I didn't think much of it. Until yesterday morning. Oh she was sick dear internets. She felt very very ill all day.

Early on she clearly felt rather ick but manageably so, and when she noticed the blue sky and sunshine that was waiting for us out the door she started imploring me "side? .. side?" and I figuring that if we were going to do this, early on would be our only chance, so outside we went. I was unwashed, unbrushed, and still in pajamas but damn it we went for a walk. Our walk went splendidly, she walked down the street, around the corner and almost to my Mom's house when she puttered out and wanted up. We came home where she promptly asked to nurse and fell asleep. The rest of the day was downhill, poor thing.

I abandoned all ideas i had of doing laundry, vacuuming, loading the dishwasher and otherwise being productive and went into fully Mommy Mode. Which is to say, as her temperature climbed and she began to feel progressively worse, we spent the day snuggling, napping and watching DVDs. She loves the music from Across The Universe if anyone cares. In one of her more cheerful moments I had her singing along with it at one point as she sweetly sang "na na na nana naaaa, na na na naaaa naa naaa"

She ended up spending most of the night snuggling in bed with me, initially she was in her bed, but after waking up every 40 minutes four times I just brought her to bed where she slept much better.

So today as she was a fair bit improved for most of the afternoon, I did some basic tidying and we went outside for another walk. I whored it up on facebook to make sure I was getting some birthday lovin, received some phone calls from family, and just hung out with the kid.

We also had a lovely three hour nap together. First time I've had a birthday nap since I was a preschooler dear internets, and it was the best nap ever. We both woke up in a wonderful feel good mood, ready for lunch. Babybug started asking for nums "num?.. num?.. num?" "Are you hungry honey? Do you want some soup?" And she looked up at me and said "num? ssshhhcooop(that's my lame attempt at typing a slurping sound) num!" So I heated up her favorite soup (Knorr Red Pepper Tomato) and she ate an entire baby-sized bowl of it. I had some too because that soup really is delicious.

All in all, a pretty good birthday. Mellow, snuggly, no drama. And sweet sweet sunshine!

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