Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sledding. Or Not.

So a few days ago I turned to DaddyBug and said "Hey when BabyBug wakes up.. want to take her sledding?" And he said sureeee why not?

It'll be fun I thought, the big kids are in school, there's fresh snow on the hill, BabyBug will love it. She certainly likes getting tossed around the house. (In the safe and gentle onto the couch kind of way peeps.) Geez.

So I scoured the basement for my proper winter boots, spent 15 minutes stuffing BabyBug into several layers, then snowsuit & babylegs to hold her winter boots on and camera in pocket off we went.

The hill is just down the street, BabyBug was so excited! What fun new thing were we doing outside? With Mom & Dad! Wow! She babbled excitedly in my arms. So we arrive at the very large hill, the fresh powder is broken only by two lone snowboard trails. I set BabyBug onto the sled and slide in behind her. Daddybug gives us a slight push to get going and we started rushing through the air. My stomach takes a lurch as we glide and drift across the snow and we begin to pick up speed, I briefly take a moment to ponder if perhaps this is too fast but my ruminations are short lived because now the fresh powder is our downfall as it begins to fly into our faces. BabyBug is not impressed, BabyBug is scared of this awful cold white stuff that is daring to poof into her face. She makes this annoyed/scared/ warbling cry and as I'm trying to vainly wipe the melting flakes from her face we come to a slow and gentle stop so I scoop her into my arms and after a moment of snuggling all is fine again.

Daddybug walks down to our place on the hill and carries the sled back up for us. I suggest to him, does he want to go down once with her? Because surely she was only distressed from the snow in the face, and now that I've broken the trail as long as they go down it again, no more snow should fly. It sounds reasonable to DaddyBug so I set her on the sled.

"No." She says. She puts her arms up and imperiously commands "Mup!" So I pick her up and she immediately leans out of my arms for her Dad. (It's my fault the nasty snow blasted her you see) She looks down at the sled again "No" Then turns towards the hill starts waving her mittened hand and firmly says "Bye." Flabbergasted that our little 15 month old could so clearly convey her opinion on this we laugh and ask her "You want to go home eh?" She laughs, delighted that we understand, and turning for home says "Dehr". So home we went.

And we may not have gotten any pictures of our little snow bug, and we definitely didn't really do much of the intended purpose, but I'll never forget her turning to that hill and waving bye, then looking at us expectantly, and of the unabashed delight on her face when we turned around and did exactly as she wanted us to do. It was hilarious, it was so sweet. I'll remember that afternoon always. Oh BabyBug, your sweet little hand waving and saying bye to that hill. Precious.

There's always next year ;)

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